

Package for testing the application.

The tests package storages the application’s tests that them are executed for ensuring the proper behaviour of the application.

You can get report coverage stadistics with coverage package.


There are three kinds of tests created:

  1. Unit testing

    Unit testing means testing individual modules of an application in isolation (without any interaction with dependencies) to confirm that the code is doing things right.

  2. Integration testing

    Integration testing means checking if different modules are working fine when combined together as a group.

  3. Functional testing

    Functional testing means testing a slice of functionality in the system (may interact with dependencies) to confirm that the code is doing the right things.

Let us understand these three types of testing with an oversimplified example.

E.g. For a functional mobile phone, the main parts required are “battery” and “sim card”.

Unit testing Example – The battery is checked for its life, capacity and other parameters. Sim card is checked for its activation.

Integration Testing Example – Battery and sim card are integrated i.e. assembled in order to start the mobile phone.

Functional Testing Example – The functionality of a mobile phone is checked in terms of its features and battery usage as well as sim card facilities.


The Differences Between Unit Testing, Integration Testing and Functional Testing.


How to usage:

source venv/bin/activate

How to call a specific test:

source venv/bin/activate
pytest tests/blueprints/test_base.py

How to call a specific test function:

source venv/bin/activate
pytest -k test_welcome_api

You can use coverage package for running tests as well:

source venv/bin/activate
coverage run -m pytest

And get a report coverage stadistics on modules:

source venv/bin/activate
coverage report -m

For a nicer presentation, use coverage html to get annotated HTML listings detailing missed lines:

source venv/bin/activate
coverage html


How can I test Celery tasks?

Depends on what exactly you want to be testing.

  • Test the task code directly. Don’t call “task.delay(…)” just call “task(…)” from your unit tests.

  • Use CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER. This will cause your tasks to be called immediately at the point you say “task.delay(…)”, so you can test the whole path (but not any asynchronous behavior).




Package for testing blueprints.


Package for testing Celery tasks.


Module for configuring Pytest.



Module for testing Config module.


Module for testing database.


Module for testing mail.
